Top Secrets of Effective Proofreading (updated)

These days, there is a lot of debate about the use of technology and artificial intelligence to write or edit documents. I republish this post I wrote a while ago, with some edits, which I find still relevant to improve the translation and revision process.

Regardless of the tools and technology you are using, are there revision and proofreading criteria that can be applied to check the completeness and correctness of a translation, as well as compliance with the client’s specifications?

Let’s start trying to define editing, revision and proofreading. Revision to me means checking the quality and completeness of a translation through a sort of bilingual editing, e.g., it is a comparison of the source (original) text and the target text (translation). Editing refers more to style. After “polishing”, the translation should read as if it were written originally in the target language and should be suitable for its audience. Proofreading means to re-read the translation and correct any grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

I started my career in the translation industry more than 30 years ago revising and proofreading translations made by expert professionals. Over the years, I applied and developed various methods (also with the help of technology, which varied over time!) to check and edit translated texts.

In my opinion, the best method is to stick to a checklist. You can group similar controls and go through the text three or four times.

Stage 1 – Client’s specifications  - What is the translation for?

Before comparing the original with the translation, do not forget to check the client’s requests and agreed specifications! They may refer to terminology or formatting, but also on the parts to be translated. Ask the client in advance (Check this out: 7 tips for clients to get a translation that works).

Stage 2 – Quality controls

  1. Interpretation
    Does the translation accurately reflect the message of the author? At a second reading, does it make sense, or there is any nonsense or contradiction? This is where technology often falls short.

  2. Completeness and correctness
    Are any paragraphs missing? Headings and footers? Is the text complete?
    Are numbers, dates and names correct (and consistent)? Remember that any language has its own rules for numbers and dates (5.2% in English is 5,2% in Italian). Yes, CAT tools help but based on my experience, it is better to do a separate check for numbers and dates in order not be distracted by the meaning and skip “mechanical” errors.
    When proofreading, I often spot mistakes in names, or sometimes the same name is written in two different ways. And it could be annoying if you mistype your client’s name!

  3. Terminology and Consistency
    Check if terminology fits with industry standards and complies with a specific glossary provided. Consult industry sites or databases. Terminology should be uniform and coherent in the entire translation.

  4. Language and Style
    Does the text read well? Does it flow? Are there any awkward hard-to-read sentences?
    Importantly, does the language fit with end-users or destination market? Is the style suited to the “genre” and does it comply with the original?

  5. Grammar and Spellcheck
    Look for grammar mistakes and do not forget to check spelling! You may change font in Comic Sans, as someone suggested.

  6. Presentation, Layout, Formatting
    Check spacing, indentation, margins, bolding, underlining, fonts, page numbering, headers, and footnotes. And do not overlook punctuation (remember that punctuation rules varies from language to language!)

Stage 3 - Take a break

I do not like very urgent jobs for various reasons, not only because I need to re-plan my day, but also because I do not have the time to take a break from translation and re-read it with a fresh mind. Do not underestimate the effectiveness of taking a break. After a rest, you’ll focus more easily and spot mistakes more quickly.

Stage 4 - Read it out loud

It is a great way to check if a sentence sounds right in the target language. When translating, phrases may resemble the structure of the source rather than the target language. This is hard to spot unless you read it out loud. Moreover, if you have to read a sentence twice to understand it, or you cannot understand the translation without consulting the source, a correction is definitely necessary. In the end, the translation should be accurate, but also readable.

I find it helpful to use text-to-speech applications that read the text aloud (even Microsoft Word has a Reading function for many languages, and there are other free applications). It activates the listening part of your brain. The computer won’t skip a single word or fill in any missing ones.

Last but not least… run spellcheck again at the end. You may be surprised to know that spelling mistakes are among the most common errors!

What are the most frequent mistakes for a translator or editor? Do you have any suggestions to improve the proofreading and revision process? When you proofread someone else's work, how do you deal with "preferential" changes?


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