Finding The Perfect Match
Why and How to Choose The Clients Who Are Right For You. Who is your ideal client? Like in dating, finding the right match takes time, patience, and a clear understanding of what you want.
The Ultimate Financial Translation Toolbox
A curated list of indispensable resources for financial translators. From top-tier financial newspapers to comprehensive glossaries and essential reference links like central banks and stock exchange websites, this collection is a goldmine for anyone in the field.
Top Secrets of Effective Proofreading (updated)
Regardless of the tools and technology you are using, there are revision and proofreading criteria that can be applied to check the completeness and correctness of a translation, as well as compliance with the client’s specifications.
Are you selling words?
Price is only one factor in a list of other elements that I need to figure out before starting a collaboration with a client.
The Whys and Hows of Translation Style Guides.
A guidebook on client’s preferences and expectations improves consistency of language and tone, helps conveying the right message, based on the company’s brand.
Is Your Content Translation-Ready?
Why not thinking global from the start, planning ahead and writing with your international reader in mind?
7 Tips for Clients to Get a Translation that Works
The “right” translation depends on what you need and how you want it. Invest time communicating your needs in detail.
The Art and Science of Translating Financial News
The language of financial and economic news is a special language. It is not only informative, but also emotional.
Personalised coaching for translators
If you’re a translator who wants to reach the next level in terms of your clients, specialisation and earnings, I can help you get there.