Ghosting in Business

A Tale of Vanishing Acts and Lost Opportunities

In the business world, just as in dating, ghosting has become an all-too-common phenomenon. Ghosting is the sudden, unexplained disappearance of one party from ongoing communication, leaving the other party uncertain and confused.

This is my personal story.

The Tale of the Disappearing Client

Imagine this scenario: A potential client approaches you for consultancy services. You exchange details and agree on a date for the session. They even ask you to provide your bank details for the payment process. Everything seems to be on track. Then, out of nowhere, they vanish. No payment, no session, and no explanation. You've been ghosted.

As someone who enjoys the spooky thrill of ghosts in remote castles, encountering a ghost in the business realm is far less charming. It's not just the loss of potential income that's frustrating; it's the sheer lack of professionalism and respect that stings the most.

Business is built on trust, communication, and reliability; ghosting undermines all three.


The Impact of Ghosting?

 1. Lost Opportunities: When a client ghosts a service provider, it's not just the immediate project that's lost. Future collaborations, referrals, and the potential growth of a business relationship are all jeopardised.

2. Damaged Reputation: Word travels fast in the interconnected world of business. No one wants to work with someone who might disappear without a trace.

3. Wasted Resources: Time and effort are valuable resources in any business. Preparing for a consultancy session and arranging schedules take time and effort.

4. Confusion: You are left wondering… what went wrong?


The Simple Solution

Ghosting is not only impolite but counterproductive for anyone aspiring to be a serious businessperson. It takes only 30 seconds to email the other party to let them know you've changed your mind or are no longer interested. This small act of courtesy can preserve professional relationships and keep doors open for future opportunities.

In business, as in life, you never know when paths might cross again. The client who ghosted today might need your services tomorrow. By maintaining open lines of communication, you leave a positive impression that can lead to future collaborations.

As professionals, it's crucial to prioritise clear and respectful communication, even when plans change or interest wanes. By doing so, we uphold the values of trust and reliability that are the foundation of any successful business relationship.

In the professional world, ghosts belong only in remote castles without running water or an internet connection. Let's keep them there.


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